Apply for an institutional grant

We are now opening up our grant-giving at a lower level than we have done in the past and will be making a small number of grants available of up to £5000.  As finances improve over the next year, we hope to be able to offer more.


Surplus funds from our businesses are donated via Grants each year to dozens of organisations around the UK. These include a wide variety of projects, big and small, from schools, churches, colleges, charities - all of which meet the criteria we have for a grant.


How to apply for a grant

Before applying for a grant please read the Notes for Grant Applications and familiarise yourself with the Charity's objectives.

If you believe that your project will meet the Trustees’ criteria, please send a completed application form to and give a reference form to each of your two named referees. [We have put the address in the notes]

Referees should return their completed forms directly to the Grant Administrator at

Application and reference forms are available to download below.


Objectives of the charity

Hymns Ancient & Modern is a registered charity and will only make grants which are within the letter and spirit of the Charity’s objectives. These are:

  • to promote the advancement of religion;

  • to establish and support or aid in the establishment and support of any Charitable Corporation, Association, Institution, College, School, Society or Body whatsoever which in the opinion of the Association is connected with the work of the Church of England or any Church in communion with it, and to subscribe and guarantee money for any such charitable purpose;

  • to aid and support any Charitable Corporation, Association, Institution, College, School, Society or Body which may not be in a direct relationship with the Church of England as aforesaid but whose aims and objects are, in the opinion of the Association, such as a Church of England organisation could properly aid and support.

Grant criteria

Hymns Ancient & Modern has limited funds and the Trustees are only prepared to consider grant applications if they are satisfied that:

A. The project will be of real value and will make a difference to a substantial group of people and clearly provide a wider benefit. In general we would not expect to fund salaries, fabric restoration projects, accommodation or travel costs. We do not usually give more than £10,000 for any one grant unless there are exceptional circumstances. Grants are usually paid to other registered charities (not individuals). We do not usually contribute to big appeals or applicants who have access to large charitable funds.

B. The applicant is capable of carrying out the project.

C. The applicant has carefully budgeted the project and has, and will, make full disclosure to the Trustees of the sources of other funding and, if fortunate enough to be given more than sufficient for the project, will immediately inform the Trustees to consider the surplus. The applicant should also supply a copy of their latest published financial statement and applicants will be required to send a report on the use of the funds within 12 months of any award.

For further guidelines please refer to the Notes for Grant Applications.


Grant application and reference form

Before applying please read the Notes for Grant Applications carefully, particularly our criteria for giving.